Dallas Insight Sangha

An Insight Meditation Organization

The Sangha

Taking Refuge In Community

Sangha traditionally refers to the monastic order that follows the Buddha’s path, but more broadly, it includes all practitioners devoted to practicing the Dharma.

As a supportive community of like-minded practitioners, Dallas Insight Sangha fosters connection and shared growth on the meditation path, deepening mindfulness, compassion, and inner peace.

Together, our practice inspires mutual support and encouragement, allowing personal insights and shared wisdom to unfold naturally.

Upcoming Retreats

Join us for our upcoming Insight Meditation retreats—unique opportunities to step away from daily routines, cultivate inner peace, and deepen your meditation practice.

Guided by renowned teachers with profound knowledge of the Dharma, these retreats offer a chance to gain valuable insights and refine your meditation practice in a supportive environment.

Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat
August 14th to August 17, 2025

Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat DIS Icon

Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat

Explore the practice of Vipassana, cultivating mindfulness and insight to see things as they truly are. This retreat offers tools to quiet the mind, uncover clarity, and develop a transformative understanding of the Dharma.

Lovingkindness (Metta) Retreat DIS Icon

Lovingkindness (Metta) Retreat

Immerse yourself in the practice of lovingkindness (metta), nurturing a wise heart and universal goodwill. Through guided meditations, this retreat helps foster connection, forgiveness, and goodwill toward yourself and others.

Foundational Dharma Retreat DIS Icon

Foundational Dharma Retreat

Delve into the core teachings of the Buddha with a focus on building a strong foundation for your practice. This retreat integrates meditation and Dharma study, offering essential principles to support your path to liberation.

Creating A Space

Practicing meditation in a retreat hall invites a profound sense of stillness and focus, creating a space where inner awareness deepens.

The alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation reveal subtle shifts within—calm, insight, and wisdom emerging naturally.


The Buddha is the awakened one, a teacher who discovered the path to liberation from suffering. His life and teachings illuminate the potential for awakening within each of us.


The Dharma is the timeless truth revealed by the Buddha, offering guidance for wisdom, ethical living, and inner peace. It serves as a map for overcoming suffering.


The Sangha is the community of practitioners who support one another on the path of awakening. Together, they embody the spirit of connection, wisdom, and shared practice.

Kalyana Mitta

In the context of Insight Meditation and Buddhist practice, a Kalyana Mitta “spiritual friend” or “noble friend” is someone who supports, encourages, and accompanies others on their spiritual path, fostering mutual growth in wisdom and compassion. These relationships are based on trust, shared practice, and a commitment to deepening understanding of the Dharma. Kalyana Mitta groups often gather for meditation, study, and discussion, providing a nurturing environment where practitioners can connect, reflect, and support each other in applying Buddhist teachings to daily life.

Spiritual Friendship at Dallas Insight Sangha Kalyana Mitta

Five Key Qualities Include


These qualities help foster a mutually supportive relationship where each friend grows in wisdom, compassion, and dedication to the Dharma.

Join our meditation community and connect with others committed to cultivating mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion in daily life.